Tuesday 10 August 2021

Imagine if Grantium was fit for purpose! Ha!

Let's imagine that Grantium was fit for purpose, and I applied for DYCP, and they had accepted my proposal like they should.

Here is the fully realised sound art installation concept for Lost Dreams for Latitude Festival.


The tracks would be played on speakers in the woods near to the BBC Introducing Stage.

A mannequin would have electrodes attached to the head, which would be fed into various equipment - in my original concept, it would be via the keytar. 

This would visually represent the sound waves being produced by my own brain waves. 

But Grantium is not fit for purpose.

I once dreamt that there was a branch of the Nobel Peace Centre in Lincoln.

The empty former train station building at St. Marks would be perfect for the Nobel Peace Centre, Lincoln.

Imagine a Nobel Peace Center in Lincoln!
Imagine if Grantium was fit for purpose!

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