Monday, 17 December 2012

Blackbird hearts

Gaston Bachelard - The Poetics Of Space

Gaston Bachelard - The Poetics Of Space

Gaston Bachelard - The Poetics Of Space

Gaston Bachelard - The Poetics Of Space

Gaston Bachelard - The Poetics Of Space

Gaston Bachelard - The Poetics Of Space

Gaston Bachelard - The Poetics Of Space

Gaston Bachelard - The Poetics Of Space

Saturday, 3 November 2012

The Birds

I've been addicted to The Birds since I saw Lowell + Apparatjik perform live in Oslo, and I imagined an animated video inspired by Andrzej Klimowski's The Depository, white on blackboard background; a bit.... Mew. And I really want to animate that, but the kids are off for half term and have spent most of the time moaning, making more mess than they tidy, and then disappearing.

I've been overworking myself, and not being paid enough to show for it - as usual.
The Mail Art Exhibition seemed to attract a lot of interest, especially from passers by - postcards with messages on were attached to the window so that, in theory, people could see both sides.
After a disappointing start, stupid "handling fees" added by the Post Office, who seemingly can't even be bothered to deliver Mail Art, and an even more disappointing disruption caused by my eldest son being temporarily suspended from school, (for an issue that has been described as "trying to crack a walnut with a sledgehammer") otherwise I was pleased with how it went.

There was a steady trickle of visitors, some very positive feedback, and a few submissions from Lincoln artists to add to the ongoing work.

But my ability to not switch off went into overdrive when I reinstated Magne Furuholmen's Alpha Beta postcards back on the lounge wall, and it made me come up with this Nordic pixel heart Christmas card design, made out of old Christmas cards - I wish I could stop working on things, but I keep getting inspired to do things, as if I don't already have enough things to do, and not enough time or funding to do everything I really want to. 

Recently, I applied for International Artists' Travel bursary, because I hope to go back to Oslo again as soon as is humanly possible.
I just missed the October deadline, so that means I now have to wait until February to find out if that's successful.

It's annoying that I know Magne has an utstillling "Bouquet" in Asker that I won't be able to make, and there seem to be a lot of exciting things happening in Oslo that I can't be there for.

I wish I could always have expenses covered for travel etc, things would be so much easier, and it'd count as "wages". 

Thursday, 18 October 2012


Nice to see my Jesus on Red Dwarf X episode "Lemons" this evening :-) I'm fairly sure that's him - with sandals, mind.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Mail Art Exhibition

Here's my mail art piece exhibited in the Empty Shop space in Lincoln as part of the Mail Art Exhibition. Further images of other work and the exhibition are here 

I'm going to post here of my experiences curating this. I organised the show to open on Tuesday, with a private view on Friday from 12.00p.m. This was because I had planned to have this on show for most of October, but have in fact been besieged by a cold, so I haven't been on top of things. And I've had to do this by myself with no help from anyone else.
The reason I set up the LAN was to keep working with a group of other artists as a mutually supportive group, however, I often end up doing most of the work myself these days, since I have less support than I did when I set it up.

The private view was disastrous. No one came at all, despite advertising on Facebook, twitter, email promotion, and posters around Lincoln, not one person within the Lincoln art community came to the opening for this exhibition. 

So of course, I'm really disappointed at this lack of support for what I believe is a really good show, and a fantastic opportunity to contribute work.
However, I really hope to gain more support as this show is on, and it won't put me off.

I also enjoyed the Pecha Kucha evening, in which I shared my experiences of my all-expenses-paid travels to Oslo and the Apparatjik performance to a small group of artists at The Collection without my cold presenting huge problems. 

Here is more information about Apparatjik and why I feel so much satisfaction from working with them as part of a collaborative project - an excerpt:

- Are you satisfied with the results of engaging the audience on the “Everybody is One Bar” Music Collaboration Project? Did the contribution of audience members affect the end result significantly?
- Oh yes, we’ve done a few projects like that: we did “Everybody is a pixel”, “Everybody is one bar”, “Everybody is on stage”. It started with “Everybody is an Apparatjik”. Our idea was that we are not Apparatjik, we are Apparatjiks, which means that Apparatjik is something bigger than us and that means that whoever is involved, whoever we guess is involved, is a part of Apparatjik. So it’s almost more like a system that we want to cultivate. I’m doing a book now, trying to document all the things we have done with Apparatjik. And it’s surprising how many creative things come from the fans or from the supporters. This is much more interesting than the band idea. In fact, I don’t really like all the music that we’ve made. I liked some of it. I have to play it, because this is Apparatjik, but I don’t have to like it. 

The work I've been doing and contributing with Apparatjik is a way of combining my own research and interests with what they do. I've been working with Magne since my degree for these collaborative projects, which I do because I love contributing to them and working with them, clearly, it's a two-way thing (or 5 way, whichever!) and when local UK based arts organisations ask me to pay £10, £15 to submit work for exhibitions etc, and I still get a rejection, to have these very high profile artists supporting my work, never rejected, to have the opportunity to show my work at some very prestigious locations, to not have to pay any money I don't possess to go to Oslo to see them perform, to participate myself as a fellow Apparatjik, but to have that cost offset as a work trip, to receive such excellent level of support this way. No, I didn't get the AA2A scheme either, but that isn't going to stop the graphic novel from happening. I've just been too busy to do any work on that lately. 

Apparatjik is for me a way of being able to work with artists / musicians that totally get it, and I know the cross over of concepts is mutually beneficial. The fact that when they first posted an image of a tree and a mirror, my first reaction was that it was Borges again. It probably wasn't at all, I don't think that was their concept behind AGreenerYouniverse at all, but that's what sprang to mind. I was thinking about The Garden Of Forking Paths at the time for my own work. And it isn't entirely inconceivable that in a parallel universe it IS Borges. It is Tlon. I'm not even sure what my work is about anyway. Sometimes it seems to be Borges, other times it's something else entirely, never absolute. Which is fine in Apparatjik's multiverse. So these occasional collaborations will continue, and I hope bigger and better things will occur, we'll see what comes of them. I hope they get some form of sponsorship, I'm still working on funding so they can come to Lincoln - that would be great fun for them, and fun for us here as well, for artists here to get involved. It just seems like this should happen somehow. The Viking Way is meant for Apparatjik.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Mail Art exhibition

I've uploaded more photos from the Apparatjik gig here and more adventures / exhibitions I saw whilst there, here.

Yesterday, a parcel arrived for the Mail Art exhibition that I've offered to curate for Marie Lousie Plum at the Empty Shop space. 

This touring exhibition features a piece of work I submitted, my own envelope that was posted to Oslo and returned at the time of the terrible events there in July 2011. As my twitter feed became worse with news updates from Norwegian news sources, I documented them on this envelope as illustrations, later adding 77 Nordic hearts to represent the victims.

This piece is included with work by a variety of artists and illustrators, and will be shown in the Empty Shop space in Sincil St, Lincoln - from Tuesday now - I don't think I'll get it all ready for Monday now by myself - I need some help.

I've offered to do a Pecha Kucha event on Thursday evening, to share my Apparatjik adventures at The Collection, Danesgate, with the poor, unsuspecting artist community of Lincoln! 

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Oslo trip 2012

Takk to Headhunters / Momentum / Norwegian Embassy for providing this all-expenses paid trip to Oslo, which I timed especially to go and see Apparatjik perform live at the åpning of Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo.

mine Apparatjik sko 
Savoy hotel lobby, Oslo
Nikola Tesla style lamp stand in Carl Ungers Loft, Oslo

Carl Ungers Loft @ Savoy hotel, Oslo
whatever you do, don't order the whale
Jeg elsker Norge

mine Apparatjik sko @ Moods Of Norway
 I found these shiny Apparatjik Combat Disco boots before I left, they appeared around Oslo in various locations before becoming part of Apparatjik's gig.

AFM - we're practically related


Apparatjik Cube, dormant, within the architecture of the AFM

complete with audience
mine Apparatjik sko

images projected onto the Cube by the Eye On Committee

Guy A


Lowell "Shake Him Off"


Shake Him Off

previously unknown track 
Apparatjik live performance

Apparatjik live performance

Martin A, Jonas A, Magne A, Guy A

Martin A

Magne A plays the keyboard with boxing gloves on

L-R Jonas Bjerre, Magne Furuholmen, Guy Berryman, Lowell

Jonas Bjerre, Magne Furuholmen, Guy Berryman, bald headed security man!


01100001 01101110 01101001 01101101 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 01110011

Dissassembling the Cube
This roadie van, as it turns out, was the same one that followed us past Stolper & Friends on Fredag natt. 

har det bra, Apparatjik Cube :-(

During this visit, I went to see some exhibitions in Oslo, I went to see "I Wish This Was A Song" at the Nasjonalmuseet, and contributed to the Apparatjik + Audiokolor installation for the compositional piece that they later performed with Sølvguttene / Oslo Boy's Choir. 
I was rather bemused that my own work was not included in this exhibition, but perhaps the Norwegian art scene need to familiarise with my work more. 
I left a card at the gallery. They tried to sell me a catalogue from the previous exhibition. That wasn't really why I was there!
Do all galleries try to sell to artists wanting to exhibit work? 

Obviously I went to look around the AFM on the day of it's åpning, although a fire alarm went off, and the AFM might have to replace that cup of Earl Grey I abandoned in a blatant act of guerilla tea party activism.