Thursday, 18 May 2023

Single Parent Rights Campaign


Single parents are still discriminated against in the workplace, and the arts is no exception to this.

Neither single parents nor carers are included as protected characteristics in the Equality Act, so discrimination goes unchallenged.

You can support Single Parent Rights' campaign to change this to include single parents as a protected characteristic in the Equality Act here.

My sons are adults now, but I have faced this discrimination by the DWP upon graduation, and experiences in work. 

I did not want a council house. 

I now want a decent salary, in order to afford a mortgage - but then, I've been paying enough rent over the years to effectively own my own house by now, and in fact, I would prefer a mansion.


Compensation for lost wages, DWP and all other discrimination.

John and Yoko lived at Tittenhurst, and that is the goal of any bohemian artist. 

All the beautiful Victorian houses in the West End of Lincoln should BELONG to artists, actors, musicians, and craftspeople, not rented out as HMOs.

And mansions do not belong to those who got rich from PPE scams during the pandemic.

Anyway, you do not need to be a single parent to support the campaign, but you must be a supporter of single parent's rights ;-)


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