Tuesday 8 October 2013

The Lincoln Simulacrum

After a stressful few weeks of single parent nightmares, somehow or another something is coming together for the Outer Trial Bank project and an LAN installation.

I've been working hard for the LAN, developing Viking Biking Expeditions and The Birds workshop, where artists were invited to make cardboard bird wings and beaks to create a flock of birds that migrates around the city for a Viking Biking Expedition during and after The Lincoln Simulacrum exhibition!

"Cow twerking"
"Cow twerking" - guerilla art interaction along The Viking Way

The Birds workshop

Apparatjik disco bike

We're very busy constructing a Cube - after thinking it wouldn't be possible, some kind of DIY Cube is happening, and preparations are afoot to exhibit work by several artists for The Lincoln Simulacrum, which coincides with Frequency festival, but is not funded by Frequency, and I cannot endorse any form of workfare, so this is why I'm going ahead with it as an artist-led independent fringe event.

I'm also working on an Apparatjik Disco Bike, which is intended as a sculptural piece that I hope might be exhibited in various hotels at a future date....

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