Friday, 10 February 2023

Lost Dreams installation for High Street Happening, Lincoln

Lost Dreams will be installed for the High Street Happening in Lincoln, Saturday 18th March 2023.

This is a paid exhibition, as I'm not prepared to exhibit the work for free during the cost of living crisis, of course.

I, the artist, will be the only one getting paid to exhibit this work

Thanks to The Mashup.

The event page is here.



Following last year's success for the #InspirationalWomenArtists exhibition and auction, I have produced a new piece for this year's entry.

Fra Motorveien 1995 is inspired by Norwegian artist Elisabeth Haarr's Fra Motorveien 1971, and draws fro my own experiences as a young woman, to coincide with a series of paintings relating to a trip to Monaco in 1995.

The entry was accepted, so I hope it will be more successful than last year's entry. 

Bidding for Fra Motorveien 1995 is now closed.
Congratulations to Helen Wellspring for acquiring this work!

There was a launch event on #InternationalWomensDay Wednesday 8th March 2023, and a closing event on Friday 21st April 2023.

Thanks to A Space Arts and all who sail in her!