Friday, 6 January 2012

Christmas pressie creations

I've obviously been off work over Christmas, however, I still made these Borges inspired plant pots for little sister's Christmas pressie:

Text is from "The Garden Of Forking Paths"
Sticking things to pots is my attempt at Grayson Perry - style creations.

This birdhouse was given Gaston Bachelard quotes for little sister's fiance's Christmas pressie. They've just bought a house together, so hoping these make useful but arty additions to the house!

I was pleasantly surprised that Apparatjik uploaded "Don't Eat Brian Sewell's Banana", but what amused me more was that it received 160 listens in 6 days! 
Since then, I have uploaded a track called "Blackbirdmon", which is a version of Gzmo with Olivier Messiaen's Chants d'oiseux as performed and recorded live in Lincoln Cathedral by Charles Matthews for Frequency Festival back in October, and which I edited in Garageband. It's currently on page 2 in the link, but may move as more tracks are uploaded.

I'm working on something new at the moment for them, and plan to continue the animation next week.